As you know I really enjoy using the Origami Dripper. I have talked about it on this website including doing a review which you can read here. However, it is time to share my Origami methods. Now I have been sharing this method with some coffee enthusiasts behind the scenes. Specifically for people who have struggled to get a good tasting cup of coffee with the Origami.

If you jump from the V60 to using the Origami Dripper then it is really common for your first brews to taste underwhelming. The Origami has a much faster flow rate then the V60 due to the more open design and internal folded ribs. For me faster flow rate is great but if you use the same grind size and method from a V60 to the Origami then don’t expect the same results.

So I made a very simple method using the coned filter paper that can used by someone using the Origami Dripper for the first time. So let me share the method and I will give my comments on this method towards the end.

What you need

The Method

Firstly, you need to pre-rinse and pre-heat the filter paper, the Origami Dripper and the carafe. Around 200g of hot water (hotter the better) is a good amount for the Origami to be heated up. Once you have discarded the water then add 15 grams of medium fine to fine coffee into the dripper. You can create a divot in the coffee bed if you need too but you don’t have to something like a kubomi where the bed looks like a vortex.

Once your coffee bed is ready then with 94c hot water, pour 40g water for the bloom. Swirl the coffee bed by holding the top of the Origami Dripper. Then after 45 seconds, add 110g of water (up to 150g in total) within 20 seconds. Pour in a circular motion on the coffee bed or the surface. Again, swirl the dripper after pouring.

Add the rest of the 100g of water at 1 minute 20 seconds with the same pouring method as before. The pouring should be done within 20 seconds. Ensure you swirl the dripper after the pour and again after the 2 minute mark. This will knock the coffee ground off the side and ensure you have a flat bed for even extraction.

At 2 minute 30 seconds, take the dripper of the carafe. Swirly and enjoy.


Pre-rinse coned filter paper with 200g hot water.

Add 15g medium fine to fine coffee.

0.00 – 40g bloom – swirl the coffee bed

0.45 – Pour 110g

1.20 – Pour 100g

2.30 – Take brewer of the carafe

*Swirl the dripper after every pour


Tweak the method

This method is not some ‘ultimate’ method, in fact, it is a very basic method with room to change things. The most crucial point to this method is the grind size. This is also the hardest thing to communicate but this method allows you to go pretty fine for this type of ratio. So select a grind size that is between medium to fine on your your electric or manual grinder. This should be your starting point of grind size. Now depending on what type of coned filter you are using, then that will make you go slightly coarser or finer. If you use the Origami filter paper then you will definitely need to go finer as it will produce a very fast flow rate.

Another area you can make changes depending on your preference is the ratio and how long you brew for. 15 grams over 250g water is a pretty standard ratio but you can up the grams of coffee if you are struggling with the grind size. Sometimes it really depends on the coffee so don’t feel like you can’t adjust the ratio here. Now stopping the brew at 2 minute 30 seconds is my personal preference. You can brew for longer to get more strength, some times I brew for extra 10 seconds, depending on the coffee. Also, you can brew all the way. I don’t prefer to because the brew really slows down and last bits that filter out produces astringency.

Lastly your pouring technique just needs to be simple and basic. You can just do a circular pour around the centre throughout. If you use the slower V60 paper, then try to do a direct centre pour firmly for the last 50 grams. That gets the flow rate going for slower papers.

The Taste

I really enjoy brewing a cups worth of coffee at a time. There is less risks to get things wrong and you produce something flavourful. This is what I wanted to get from this method. Coffee well extracted, with flavour, sweetness and clarity. You can try any types of produced coffee with this method. Whilst light roasts is prefferred for this recipe, you can use a medium roasts too but you may need to adjust the grind size.

The final thing to add is that the coned filter paper you use, can impact the final brew. The best filter paper for me is the original Hario papers. They may not be quicker then the Origami but the flow rate feels more even throughout the brew. The Origami papers are quick but I always find the overall taste is not as good. If you use the newer Hario papers then you might need to go coarser as the flow rate is slower. These papers produce clogging but this method allows you to negate that by stopping the brew earlier. If you want to know more about slow drawdown and clogging issues with coned filter then check out my post here where I provide tips and solutions.

But there you go my Origami method. I really do think this a great method to use and practice with when using the Origami Dripper the first time. Let me know what you think of this method once you have tried it.

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